ATLANTA - Chase Oliver is the first Libertarian presidential candidate to visit all 50 states ahead of the nomination.
“Voters deserve a president who doesn't merely focus on a handful of swing states," says Oliver, “and the Libertarian will be on the ballot for those voters who want to reject the two-party mediocrity and embrace building a foundation that will last for years to come."

“This kind of energy sends a clear signal to the old two-party system that we are a 50-state party, and this is a 50-state campaign,” says Oliver, 38, who topped the field in 4 primaries and participated in the Free and Equal debate.
Chase Oliver, the unstoppable force behind libertarian principles, has achieved an unprecedented milestone: Campaigning in all 50 states, with Hawaii as the electrifying finale of the primary season. Oliver's relentless dedication to spreading the message of individual freedom and limited government has captivated audiences nationwide, setting him apart as a true agent of change.
From bustling metropolises to remote communities, Oliver has traveled the country, igniting a firestorm of enthusiasm among voters hungry for a fresh perspective.
“I have traveled the country and gotten to see the wide diversity of the American people. Cultures, faiths, traditions, even food shows our diversity. We have commonalities that unite us all. Love of family, charity for our neighbors, and the need for community. Those are the ties that bind us together.”
As the only libertarian candidate to campaign in all 50 states, Oliver has shattered expectations and ignited a movement for change. Oliver brings a fresh perspective and unwavering commitment to his quest for a freer, more prosperous America.